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I am purchasing a home in your neighborhood (or new to the area), what should I do to ensure that I am listed with the HOA?"You can always contact our account manager (Jessica Hubbard 253-848-1947 Ex 131) to update or add your information (please wait for 30 days after home closure). On most occasions the HOA is made aware of Homeowner information during the escrow/closing process. The HOA wants HOMEOWNERS information only at this time, Renters can be contacted by the homeowner. In the future we will have contact lists, for emergency and water notifications.
I am curious where to obtain a copy of the HOA covenants and/or information about the Homeowners Association?Realtors can obtain copies of the covenants and other related HOA information for your potential buyers, by contacting the HOA Board. They can be contacted at Please include your realtor, company information, the lot/address, and what specific documents you are requesting information about. A document fee may apply. Escrow Officers - Completing a formal request by sending the escrow information to will ensure that the accounting office completes your request in the order it was received. Please allow 1-2 business days for it to be completed, based on workload. A document fee will apply. ​
I have questions about what amenities are in the neighborhood.Please click on the "Community Info" tab that will answer what amenities are available in our neighborhood. Our "Resources" tab will provide information on public safety contacts, schools, and more.
I am a real estate agent/broker and need documentation for escrow or underwriting. How do I obtain this?Please email us with your specific documentation needed, from your company email. Our accounting office will be notified and will accommodate your request in the order that it was received.
What type of utilities are available throughout the neighborhood?Electricity is provided by above ground power lines. The provider is Puget Sound Energy (PSE). All lots within Riverbend are On-Site Septic systems (OSS) as there is NO sewer service provided to the neighborhood. There is NO natural gas lines service lines within Riverbend. Propane can be obtained through local commercial providers at Homeowners request and cost. Water is provided by a private water system maintained by the HOA. Annual dues covers the cost of water supply, maintenance and other water services.
Does Riverbend allow AirBnb's or VRBO's?Currently there are no Covenants or restrictions in place on AirBnb's or short term rentals. Although there have been some concerns brought forth by homeowners and the HOA Board is looking at potential restrictions that may be put in place in the near future. Keep in mind that we do have a "Absentee Landlord" rule that will apply a fee (Annual) to those lots that are identified as Absentee Landlords. This may also include a "per instance fee" when the HOA is attempting to communicate with the Homeowner and is unable to, due to inaccurate or non-existent Homeowner contact information. Updated June 2023
What type of amenities are located or included within the neighborhood?Please click on the "Community Info" tab to find out about the amenities located within and near the Riverbend Homesites neighborhood.
I am interested in purchasing a vacant lot to build on. How do I start?All vacant lots will need to go through the King County permitting process. Some of the vacant lots in Riverbend are deemed unsuitable for building by the County due to ecological or terrain standards. Please contact King County Permitting to seek further information on the lot you are interested in. Permits - King County
What do my Homeowners dues pay for?Your Homeowners dues primarily pays for the water system and water usage for the year. Think of it as your water bill. A portion of the dues pay for maintenance, insurance, and operation of HOA owned properties.
How do I pay my Annual Dues? Is there an online way to PayYou can pay your Annual Dues by utilizing your banks online bill pay system, send a personal or cashier's check, to Riverbend Homesites 17404 Meridian E Suite F PMB 171 Puyallup, WA 98375. Please ensure your address or lot number is written on your payment method to properly apply the payment. You can also go to and click the pay your dues tab and you will be directed to Zego-Paylease to establish an account. This will allow you to pay with a Credit Card or make an ACH payment. All Fees for that service will be the responsibility of the Homeowners to pay. Remember NO CASH OR DROP OFF PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED! Annual dues payments are to be received by Jan 31st. Any payments received after that date are subject to additional fees.
How do I obtain a statement on my dues?You can email your account manager Jessica Hubbard with your request, along with your contact information. She will be happy to assist you with that request.
How do I set up payment of my HOA dues? Is there an online way to pay my dues?Payment of annual HOA dues must be received by Jan 31st of the current year (example: 2025 dues are due Jan 31st, 2025). Payments received after that date will be subject to late fees, with potential for water shutoff (HOA Board Approval). Cost of $400 to re-establish water once shutoff. Payments can be made via postal mail with your lot # included. Including your dues statement with payment will be helpful for proper accounting. Mail payment to: Riverbend Homesites 17404 Meridian E Suite F PMB 171 Puyallup, WA 98375 Some members have elected to pay annual dues through their financial institutions "bill pay". Please use the address above and include your address or lot number on your check or memo line. You may elect to set up payments for future years dues, if so they will remain as a credit until the next dues cycle becomes due. ​ You can go to click pay your dues and you will be directed to Zego/Paylease to set up and account if you choose to pay with a Credit Card or ACH payments. Any fees that apply will be the responsibility of the lot owner.
Where can I obtain a water quality report?Homeowners can request a copy of a water quality report by sending an email through the contact us page. Please identify what you are requesting and your proper contact information so we can accommodate your request. Annual Water testing occurs in August. The testing is conducted by WA Department of Health, who completes the water quality report.
Does the HOA add anything to the water system?The HOA does not add anything to the water system. There is no fluoride or any other common additives. At times, during annual testing and maintenance, we will add chlorine at the test sites to disinfect prior to resuming normal operations. The amount of chlorine is minimal and not like other water systems.
Do I pay for the actual gallonage of water I use?At this time, there is no monthly bill for metered usage. However, the HOA Board has established Excessive Water Use Fees and Water Leak Fees to comply with WA State requirements. We make every attempt to minimize increases in HOA Dues, so using water wisely can minimize the Annual Dues increases.
I received a Water Shutoff Notice. What do I do?Please respond to the notice by contacting the phone number provided in the notice. If we do not hear from you in a timely manner, your water will be shut off and will be subject to the $400 reconnection fee (and any other associated fees). It is imperative that you respond to avoid a disruption in your water service. We make every attempt to contact homeowners with the information that the HOA has on file, through phone, email and even postal mail before a water shutoff notice is posted.
How do I contact the HOA and/or it's board members?You can contact the HOA in general preferably by email. This can be through the "Contact Us" tab within the website. You may leave a phone message with the accounting office, or a voicemail message after business hours. An HOA Board member will check the message and return your call, typically within 72 hours (Business Days). Other means of contact that can be utilized are the Facebook Page (RiverbendHOAOfficial) or the private members only group (Riverbend HOA). Both of the Facebook sites are monitored by HOA Board Member(s) and you must be accepted into the group. The HOA list is verified on a regular basis to ensure accuracy within the group.
How do I update my information with the HOA?You can update your information by contacting our accounting office. This is only needed for HOMEOWNERS at this time. Homeowners MUST provide updated information or can be assessed fees for inability to contact (commonly called Absentee Landlord Fee). Renters/Leasers can keep their information current with the homeowner. We have plans to be able to update information electronically in the future. This would be utilizing an online form through the website. Once approved, it will go live on the website.
How do I become a board member?All positions of the HOA Board are voluntary. Elections occur during the annual homeowner meeting (Usually in early Summer). Trustees can be appointed by the HOA Board and/or HOA President. If you are interested in HOA Board position, please email your account manager Jessica Hubbard
I want to remodel/build. How do I check if it's allowed?Since Riverbend is located in unincorporated King County, we must abide by the King County Code. The HOA also has covenants, conditions, and restrictions that prohibit certain activities and building. The CCR's can be requested from the HOA by emailing the board at . The King County Building code can be found online here [King County Code - King County]. The HOA must be notified (per CCR's) of the remodel/build once approved by King County Permitting. An email with the design drawings/schematics can be sent to for the HOA to review and approve your request.
Can I have chickens/sheep/pigs on my property?King County Code identifies what type of animals are allowed based on the zoning of your property within Riverbend. The King County code can be found here [King County Code - King County].
My neighbor has foul odors, excessive garbage, or other concerns from their property. What do I do?King County Code Enforcement has specific laws and regulations that apply to residences within King County. Code Enforcement and the complaint process can be found here [Code Enforcement - King County]. Please also notify the HOA Board if you file a complaint with King County Code Enforcement, for proper documentation and accounting. The HOA can also request follow up with the case from King County Code Enforcement.
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