A friendly reminder that tomorrow (Oct 31st) is Halloween and there will be children and adults out and about in the evening. Please slow down when driving through the neighborhood.

To help increase safety of our residents, homeowners and their little ones, the HOA has worked with PSE to increase public safety during Halloween. Our new LED street lights will operate its "peak time" from dusk till 9pm. At 9pm the lights will dim to their normal "off peak" schedule. The "off peak" schedule normally starts at 10pm - 4am, which was developed with traffic data. This annual schedule was adjusted for the holiday and may also include other holidays in the future.
As always if you have input on the new street lighting, please feel free to share your input with the HOA board through our Contact Us link at our website. We ask that you provide the Light Pole number and the SLAH number so we can ensure the accuracy of your input.
Be safe and have a Happy Halloween!!
-HOA Board