The beginning of a new year and new changes. We have been through a lot with the recent severe weather events, and we hope that all our homeowners and residents fared as best as possible.

Email from King County: Comprehensive Plan survey results
In September, we reached out to get your input on the 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan update (2024 Update). We heard from thousands of people from across King County – community members who shared their thoughts on social equity, affordable housing, and climate change in our region.
We're currently processing and translating all of the survey results Today we're excited to share the preliminary survey results. We'll share additional data as it becomes available.
King County will use the results to guide the 2024 Update. As set in the Scope of Work, the update will focus on actions to address social equity, affordable housing, and climate change.
Upcoming 2024 Update engagement opportunities
In February 2023, the County will release a summary of the proposals currently being contemplated for the 2024 Update. At that time, you'll have the opportunity to see the direction the update is going in and let us know if it is on the right track. Your feedback on those proposals will help inform the additional development and refinement of the 2024 Update.
Additionally, a Public Review Draft of the entire 2024 Update is anticipated to be issued in June 2023 for public review and comment, along with a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Draft Environmental Impact Statement. More opportunities for public review and feedback on the update will also occur during King County Council review of the proposals throughout 2024.
Learn more
King County is developing a once-a-decade update to its Comprehensive Plan, which guides where people live, work, and play in King County. As required by the Washington State Growth Management Act, the Plan guides County policy for the next 20 years for local land use and development regulations in unincorporated King County (places outside of city limits) and for regional services throughout the County, such as transit, sewers, parks, trails, and open space.
More information about the Comprehensive Plan and the 2024 Update can be found at kingcounty.gov/CompPlan or by emailing questions to CompPlan@kingcounty.gov.
Reminder that annual HOA Dues are to be received by the accounting office by the close of business on January 31st, 2023 in order to not have late fees assessed.
Please ensure that your property address or your lot # is on your cashiers/personal check to ensure proper accounting.
If you cannot mail your payment, you can drop off your payment at Mount Si Accounting & Tax. The address is 401 Bendigo Blvd. If you arrive after business hours, there is a black secured mailbox at the base of the stairs for Riverbend Homeowners payments.
The Accounting office accepts personal or cashier's checks only. NO CASH will be accepted for Annual Homeowners Dues.